Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Lesson Learned

So the first lesson learned from this experiment is that 20 minutes a day is not enough to actually write anything substantive. I had some half-developed ideas yesterday about mindfully celebrating holidays, but between the time limit and writing late at night I ended up with the mess posted below. Apologies for that.

I'm not a night owl by any stretch of the imagination, and although I'm not planning to limit my writing time on purpose, life intervenes. For instance, late nights have become Right Out with the hobbits waking up at 5:45 on the dot every morning and Bella up at least once a night. Boring, but that's how it works in this season of life.

Should I continue posting every day, or allow myself to carry posts over for a few days in the hopes of producing the occasional coherent thought? If it ends up preventing regular writing or posting I'll go back to daily entries, but for now I'd like the option to sit on a thought for a bit before belching it out to the internet.

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